In English
Marisa Monte in Seoul!!!!In English 2007. 6. 4. 12:10
Marisa Monte gave her first performance in Korea last Friday. To let the new audience warm up to her rich repertoire, she did a few songs from her two new CDs ("Universo Ao Meu Redor" and "Infinito Particular") and many from previous CDs. As always, her sexy, often husky voice completely mesmerized me. My first time to see her so close. At the end of the show, the whole theatre rose up to give h..
Red is black in YongPyong.In English 2007. 2. 5. 11:16
Last weekend I skied in Yongpyong with two friends. Whlie on the slope, one of them noticed that red is black, pink is green, and gold is blue in Yongpyong. I've been there many times, but was myself always confused about the colors. As the friend pointed out, I understood why. In most ski resorts, colors are associated with the difficulty level of the slope. In Yongpyong, red can be a slope or ..
Kyushu Instittue of Technology and IEEE SAINTIn English 2007. 1. 24. 01:18
Last week I participated in a workshop organized by Prof. Tsuru Masato at Kyushu Institute of Technology (KIT) and gave a talk at IEEE SAINT in Hiroshima. The workshop was held at the Network Design Research Center of KIT in Kitakyushu, and the IEEE SAINT conference in the International Conference Center on the Peace Memorial Park in Hiroshima. Both workshops were about my current research and v..
My CalendarIn English 2006. 12. 31. 00:41
면담을 원하는 학부학생은 제 "Student Meetings" 캘린더에 "Office Hours"로 적혀있는 이벤트 시간을 확인한 후, 해당 이벤트의 제목이나 시간은 수정하지 말고, "Description"에 원하는 시간, 이름, 미팅내용을 적어주세요. "Add a comment" 기능을 사용하면 수정삭제가 안됩니다. "OH (LAB)"은 연구실의 석박사 학생들을 위한 시간입니다. 정해진 면담시간에 찾아올 수 없으면 제게 이멜을 보내주세요. "OH (LAB)"에도 가능한지 고려한 후 답을 드리겠습니다. 임의의 시간약속을 제 "Office Hours" 캘린더에 입력하면 고려하지 못함을 양해해주시기 바랍니다. Zeroboard에 비해 사용이 다소 불편하고, "Professional Activities"에는 ..
Year-End's ResolutionsIn English 2006. 12. 26. 11:32
2006 is almost over. What were the 2006 New Year's resolutions? Dunno. Now another year is just around the corner and I need to come up with a new list. I rather compile year-end's resolutions so that I can start 2007 in a "clean slate" (yes, Future Internet! ^^). 1. Drop the number of emails in my inbox from the current 500 something to below 50. 2. Get rid of all professional to-dos: finish up..
How to cross a street in Ho Chi Minh CityIn English 2006. 12. 21. 21:48
* 베트남어 * 지난 며칠 베트남의 훼, 호치민시와 하노이를 다녀왔다. Lonely Planet 책을 사다놓고는 볼 시간이 없어서 무엇을 구경해야할지 모른 채로 비행기를 탔는데 같이 간 이교수님께서 KBS TV에서 방영한 1시간짜리 훼(Hue) 소개 비디오랑 우리 말 여행 책자를 발췌복사해오셨다. 그것들을 쓱 살펴보고나니 여행준비 끝. 좋은 출발이였다. 대한항공 광고에 나왔던 유명한 하롱만 (Halong Bay) 같이 좀 떨어진 곳은 시간이 없어 못갔는데 아쉬운 김에 거기가 어떤 곳인가를 읽다가 보니 하롱이란 地名이 "용이 내려온 곳"이란다. 下龍! 그리고나서 살펴보니 우리 발음과 비슷한 말이 여기저기 많았다. 호치민이 다녔다는 꿕혹 고등학교는 國學일테고, 대부분의 대학교 앞에 붙는 dai hoc은 大學..
Blog spam - sad state of affairIn English 2006. 6. 15. 01:54
For the first two months or so since I opened my blog site on March 7th, 2006, I had no spam on my blog. Then suddenly one day, right after my trip to the 2nd Webloggin Ecosystme Workshop where my student presented our paper on "Collaborative blog spam filtering using adaptive percolation search," I started to get spams on my blog. Today, I counted 60 spams on my mere 12 postings. They are doubl..