In English
One surreal night in EdinburghIn English 2006. 5. 29. 05:41
This week I am in Edinburgh with two students and today was the IMC deadline: 10pm EDT on Fri, 3am on Sat in Edinburgh, and 11am on Sat in Seoul. We are staying at a rental apartment with no Internet access and today we were desperate for it. As soon as we woke up, we headed to the WWW conference venue, Edinburgh International Convention Center (EICC), for free wireless access. We didn't bother ..
My first WWW conferenceIn English 2006. 5. 29. 05:28
Last week in Edinburgh, I attended my first World-Wide Web Conference. This year's WWW 2006 was held in the convention center in downtown Edinburgh, U.K. Next year will be in Banff, Canada, then 2008 in Beijing, China; 2011 in Bangalore, India. Locations for 2009 and 2010 are not yet decided. This year's registration fee was horrendously expensive: a full registration and a complementary one for..
Barcelona: FC Barcelona vs AC MilanIn English 2006. 4. 30. 23:12
(Photos are a courtesy of Christos Gkantsidis.) 2006.4.26. 수요일 저녁 8시 반. IEEE INFOCOM 2006 학회가 한참이던 스페인 바르셀로나 Hotel Princesa Sophia 바로 옆의 경기장에서 유럽 프로축구팀들간의 Champions League 준결승전이 있으리라고 누가 예상을 했겠는가. 더구나 FC Barcelona 팀이 그 호텔에 묵을줄이야. 나는 호텔비가 너무 비싸서 학생들과 다른데서 묵었는데, 아침에 로비를 빠져나가던 FC Barcelona 팀 멤버들 사진을 친구가 인증샷을 찍어보여줘서 알았다 (눈코입 다 빼고도 호나딩요인 걸 알겠으니, 참 기가막힌 인증샷이랄까!!). 학회 일정이 끝난 6시부터 표를 구하러 경기장으로 가서 별로 어렵지..
One snowy March afternoonIn English 2006. 3. 13. 14:22
삼월인데 눈이 내렸다. 3월이건 12월이건 눈오는 날의 연구실 밖 풍경은 근사하다.